claims funding australia

The Australian specialists in litigation funding

Claims Funding Australia Logo

Bespoke funding agreements, strategically tailored to your litigation needs, and backed by Australia’s most successful class action law firm.



Backed by the best.

As a wholly owned subsidiary of Maurice Blackburn, we bring unparalleled reputation, security and expertise to our funding partnerships.

Strategic insights.

We offer more than just funding. Our unique combination of experience and industry-leading insights to add strategic value to maximise your chance of success.

We know what matters.

We are experts at working with lawyers. With extensive litigation and class action experience we know what you need and how to add value.

Agile and responsive.

With complete control of our funding decisions, we’re able to respond quickly to your proposal, so you can focus on your case.


Owned and advised by Australia’s largest and most successful class action law firm.

Access to experienced litigators

Access to experienced litigators

Our team are expertly placed to oversee complex litigation funding matters. Their extensive experience working on some of Australia’s biggest class actions gives them a unique insight into managing risk and delivering success to their clients.

Meet our team
Industry-leading resources

Industry-leading resources

With over 30 offices and 1000+ staff around Australia, our partners gain access to Maurice Blackburn’s extensive litigation support capabilities, such as media, IT, settlement processing, digital and marketing.

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Funding on a global scale

Funding on a global scale

With claims funding in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, South Africa, and across Europe we have the scale, capital and expertise to respond efficiently and strategically to fund claims of all sizes.

How we work
A track record for success

A track record for success

Since its foundation Claims Funding Australia has achieved a 94% success rate in its funded claims. We are backed by Maurice Blackburn, Australia's number one class action plaintiff law firm that has conducted the six biggest shareholder class actions in Australia’s history and recovered over $3bn in damages through its class actions. That’s the reputation you want behind your litigation funding.

View our case studies
Claims Funding Australia Team

Litigation funding experts

When you partner with Claims Funding Australia, you access a team of litigation funding experts who have experience conducting some of Australia's biggest and most successful class actions.
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We’re here to help you. Speak to us today for a confidential discussion.